It will be easy for me to take photos during photography lesson or else if I use digital camera it will be very hard for me to take.....1st the camera will be hot if i carry it under the sun and I have to off it TTwTT....2nd,need to bring extra batteries. With this I can join photography society muahahaha.......but I still have lots of things to learn about my camera....
Today I pass my Q.T.I (trail exam) for driving..... on the 6th of July I will be taking JPJ .Wish me luck~~!!!!
O.O there is lot of thing to do next month
1-have to pass up my assignment and will be having a oral test
2-Driving exam
3- taking Toastmaster
4-collage's prom night
5-and more assignment...TTwTT
This two photo I use D60 camera

Nando's photo (salad?) Used Close up..enlarge to see the

I'm in love with this a mango juice?