Beside taking yummy food....and sleep are my comic and watch anime is also one of my interest.....
I make a list so I know how many I read and watch........from 2004 till 2008 = 4 years.....^-^
Here is a short history of mine, that how I started to read and watch.....
In year 2004...I started to watch Naruto, it was air on TV3 that time.....I was curious about this boy called Naruto...and the story. After watching that, my two brother started to watch......and I found there is manga for Naruto...... so I started to read. THE END
Want to know how many manga I read and how many anime I watch......????
Here is the list...below.....
1. ½ Prince = ½ 王子
2. Absolute Boyfriend = 絶対彼氏
3. After School Nightmare = 放课后保健室
4. Alice Academy = 爱丽丝学院 = 学園アリス
5. Backstage Prince = 歌舞伎王子=極付 楽屋裏王子
6. Beyond the Blindfold = 当现在遇到未来 =目隠しの国
7. Bleach = 死神
8. 被神隐藏的少年-
9. 1-Be More Deeply in Love than Singing Love Blue Rosen = 沉溺爱歌 = 愛を歌うより俺に溺れろ!
10. 2-Love Me! - The Princess of the Boy High =爱我=愛俺!~男子校の姫と女子校の王子~
11. Cactus of the Prince = 王子的仙人掌
12. CODE:BREAKER=コード:ブレイカー
13. CY-Believers = 电脑恋爱同盟会 = 電脳ビリーバーズ
14. Dear
15. Devil and a Love Song = 恶魔变奏曲 = 悪魔とラブソング
16. Devil and Sweet = 恶魔甜蜜召唤 = 悪魔とドルチェ
17. Double Arts=双生轮舞=ダブルアーツ
18. Double Prince = 纯爱男友/萌男友 = 萌えカレ
19. Dragon Girl =高校龍女 =ドラゴンガール
20. Duck Prince = 丑小鸭王子 = あひるの王子さま
21. 独领风骚
22. Fairy Tail = 妖精的尾巴 = フェアリーテイル
23. Flower & Devil = 花与恶魔 = 花と悪魔
24. Fruit Basket = 水果篮子 = フルーツバスケット
25. Full House Kiss = 上流女管家= フルハウスキス
26. Gakuen Prince=學園王子
27. Gekka no Kimi: The Moonlight Prince = 源氏今生月下情 = 月下の君
28. Gintama = 银魂
29. Give Me All = 全部都给我 = ぜんぶちょーだい
30. Hana-Kimi = 偷偷爱着你 /花样少年少女 = 花ざかりの君たちへ
31. Hayate the Combat Butler! = 旋风管家 = ハヤテのごとく!
32. High School Debut = 俏妞出招 = 高校デビュー
33. Houkago Orenji = 放课后的橙色恋情 = 放課後オレンジ
34. I Became a Boy = 伪装男孩的我 = 僕になった私
35. I'm No Angel!! = 我不是天使 = 天使じゃない!!
36. Itazura na Kiss = 淘气小亲亲 =イタズラなKiss〈キッス〉
37. 鸡蛋少女
38. Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn = 家庭教师REBORN = 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!
39. Kisu yori mo Hayaku = 新娘16岁/親吻前, 結婚後 = キスよりも早く
40. Kobato = 小鸠 = こばと。
41. Love Celeb - King Egoist = 情场霸王|恋爱名人=ラブセレブ King Egoist
42. Maniattemasu ! = 贫穷俏女佣 = まにあってます!
43. Mei-chan's Butler=我的帅管家=メイちゃんの執事
44. Meru Puri - The Marchen Prince = 魔法王子 =めるぷり メルヘン☆プリンス
45. MiXiM♀12
46. Monster Hunter Orange = 怪物猎人Orange = モンスターハンター オラージュ
47. MXO=魔爱=エム×ゼロ
48. My Heavenly Hockey Club = 极乐青春曲棍球部=極楽・青春ホッケー部
49. Naked Prince = 裸の王子
50. Naruto = 火影忍者 = ナルト
51. Nodame Cantabile = 交响情人梦 = のだめカンタービレ
52. Ouran High School Host Club = 樱兰高校男公关部 =桜蘭高校ホスト部
53. Otomen = 粉紅系男孩 = オトメン
54. Oyayubihime Infinity = 拇指公主 = オヤユビヒメ∞(インフィニティ)
55. Pandora Hearts = 潘朵拉之心 = パンドラハーツ
56. Prince Eleven = 传说中的翠君 = うわさの翠くん!!
57. Rave Master = 圣石小子 = レイヴ
58. Reaching You =好想告诉你 =君に届け
59. Romance from the Thumb=拇指罗曼史=親指からロマンス
60. School Rumble = 校园迷糊大王 = スクールランブル
61. School Rumble Z =校园迷糊大王Z =スクールランブル Z
62. Skip Beat = 下一站巨星 = スキップ・ビート!
63. Sky Blue Beach =空色海岸
64. Special A = S•A特优生= S・Aスペシャル・エー
65. Student President is a Maid! = 会长是女仆 = 会長はメイド様!
66. Sugar Princess = シュガープリンセス
67. Tactics = 抓鬼天狗帮
68. TIGER×DRAGON = 龙虎斗 =とらドラ!
69. The Gentlemen's Alliance = 绅士同盟 = 紳士同盟クロス
70. The Love Stories = LOVE教程
71. The Prince of Tea = 紅茶王子
72. The World God Only Knows=神のみぞ知るセカイ
73. Today, love starts! = 今天,开始恋爱 = 今日、恋をはじめます
74. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles = Tsubasa翼 = ツバサ・クロニクル
75. V.B.Rose = 丝绒蓝玫瑰 = ベルベットブルーローズ
76. Wild Ones = 野蠻天女 = アラクレ
77. xxxHolic = XXX ホリック
78. Yankee-kun to Megane-chan=不良仔与眼镜妹=ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん
79. Yamada Taro Monogatari = 贫穷贵公子 = 山田太郎ものがたり
80. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge = 完美小姐进化论= ヤマトナデシコ七変化
81. Your and My Secret = 我和她的XXX = 僕と彼女の×××
82. Zenbu Choodai =全部都给我
83. Zombie Loan = 僵尸借贷 = ゾンビローン
And these would be the anime
1. Ah! My Goddess
2. Ah! My Goddess! (OAV)
3. Ah! My Goddess: Being Small is Convenient (TV)
4. Ah! My Goddess: Fighting Wings (special)
5. Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy (TV)
6. Ah! My Goddess: The Movie
7. Air
8. Air Gear
9. Angelic Layer
10. Bamboo Blade
11. Bleach (TV)
12. Bleach: Memories in the Rain (OAV)
13. Bleach: The Sealed Sword Frenzy (OAV)
14. Bleach: Memories of Nobody (Movie)
15. Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mō Hitotsu no Hyōrinmaru (Movie)
16. Blood +
17. Brave Story the Movie
18. Card Captor Sakura
19. Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie
20. Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card
21. Chrono Crusade
22. Crayon Shin Chan
23. Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo Yobu Appare! Sengoku Daikassen (Movie)
24. Crayon Shin-chan: Densetsu wo Yobu Odore! Amigo! (Movie)
25. Detective Conan
26. Detective Conan: 16 Suspects (OAV)
27. Detective Conan: Captured In Her Eyes (movie)
28. Detective Conan: Conan and Heiji and the Vanished Boy (OAV)
29. Detective Conan: Conan Edogawa & Heiji Hattori versus Kid the Phantom Thief (OAV)
30. Detective Conan: Count Down to Heaven (movie)
31. Detective Conan: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital (movie)
32. Detective Conan: Full Score of Fear (movie 12)
33. Detective Conan: Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure (movie 11)
34. Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (movie)
35. Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths (movie)
36. Detective Conan: The Fourteenth Target (movie)
37. Detective Conan: The Last Magician of the Century (movie)
38. Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street (movie)
39. Detective Conan: The Private Eyes' Requiem (movie 10)
40. D.N.Angel
41. Fate Stay Night
42. Fruit Basket
43. Full Metal Panic!
44. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV)
45. Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (OAV)
46. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV)
47. Fullmetal Alchemist
48. Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa
49. Fushigi Yuugi
50. Gakuen Alice
51. Ginban Kaleidoscope
52. Gintama
53. Harukanaru Toki no Nakade Hachiyosho
54. Hatenkou Yuugi
55. Hayate no Gotaku!
56. Honey and Clover (TV)
57. Honey and Clover II (TV)
58. Hunter X Hunter
59. Hunter X Hunter (OAV)
60. Hunter X Hunter: G I Final (OAV)
61. Hunter X Hunter: Greed Island (OAV)
62. Inuyasha-Movie
63. Inuyasha the Movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass
64. InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler
65. Inuyasha the Movie 4: Fire on the Mystic Island
66. Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time
67. Itazura na Kiss
68. Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
69. Kekkaishi
70. Kemeko Deluxe!
71. Kirarin Revolution
72. Kurenai
73. Koroshitsuji
74. Kyou Kara Maou!
75. Kyou kara Maou! R (OAV)
76. Kyou Kara Maou! 3rd Season
77. La Corda D’Oro
78. Law of Ueki
79. Lovely Complex
80. Nabari no Ou
81. Nagasarete Airantou
82. Naruto
83. Naruto (OAV)
84. Naruto The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
85. Naruto the Movie: The Great Clash! The Phantom Ruins in the Depths of the Earth
86. Naruto Shippūden (TV)
87. Naruto Special: Akaki Yotsuba no Clover wo Sagase (OAV)
88. Naruto Special: Battle at Hidden Falls. I am the Hero! (OAV)
89. Naruto: Konoha Sports Festival (movie)
90. Nodame Cantabile
91. Nodame Cantabile: Paris-Hen
92. Macademi Wasshoi!
93. Midori’s Day
94. Maria Holic
95. Moyashimon
96. Ouran High School Host Club
97. Petite Princess Yucie
98. Pretear
99. Princess Princess
100. Ragnarok the Animation
101. Ranma ½
102. Rave Master
103. R.O.D
104. Saiunkoku Monogatari
105. Saiunkoku Monogatari II
106. Samurai 7
107. Samurai Champloo
108. Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
109. Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei Extreme (TV)
110. School Rumble
111. School Rumble Nigakki (TV)
112. School Rumble OVA Ichigakki Hoshū
113. Shagukan no Shana
114. Shakugan no Shana Second (TV)
115. Shikabane Hime: Aka
116. Shining Tears X Tears
117. Skip Beat
118. Special A
119. Spice and Wolf
120. Spirited Away
121. Tactics
122. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
123. The Tower of DRUAGA -the Aegis of URUK
124. The Tower of DRUAGA -the Sword of URUK
125. To Aru Majutsu no Index
126. Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo-Movie
127. Toradora!
128. Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
129. Xam'd: Lost Memories
130. xxxHolic
131. xxHolic . Kei
132. Vampire Knight
133. Wagaya no Oinarisama
134. World Destruction
135. Yamato Nadeshiko Shinchihenge
136. You are Under Arrest
137. You're Under Arrest (OVA)
138. You're Under Arrest Second Season (TV)
139. You're Under Arrest Specials
140. You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle (TV)
141. You're Under Arrest: No Mercy! (OAV)
142. You're Under Arrest: The Movie
143. Yozakura Quartet
144. Zero no Tsukaima
145. Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi
146. Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo
147. Zombie Loan
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Photo contest calling for entries
PENANG is calling all Malaysian and foreigners to participate in the heritage George Town photography contest.Themed 'Capturing the beauty of heritage George Town', the contest is organized by the state government in collaboration with Photographic Society of Penang and Penang Photography Merchants Association.
In a press statement on Wednesday,Chief Minister's political secretary Ng Wei Aik said the theme for all entries must be either the celebration of Penang's listing as a World Heritage Site and/or the best view or living heritage of George Town within the core zone or buffer zone.
The photo should be printed in 20.3cm x 30.5cm size at 300-dpi resolution and burnt into a CD.
"The number of entries are unlimited but all images and photos must be attached with an entry form," he said.
Closing date for entries is Aug31.Those interested can contact 04-2273191.
from The Star , Saturday Metro 26 July 2008 = yesterday newspaper...
I can find the news on The Star Online
so I type it out...from the newspaper
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Basic Print

A file that have to put all the prints inside....

Sketch Sketch-Lino Print-Cardboard Print

Here are some sketches and print.....
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Penang Bon Odori 2008
Went Penang Bon Odori yesterday....the weather is good..lucky no rain...muahahahhaha

There is a Japanese Ghost House....I din went in....
A lot of people...........

My shoe and the grass

The stage....

The VIPs......

Aren't they cute??
This is the coupon that you have to you can buy foods , play game and buy other things.... RM20 Per Book


The back of Yukata


More food stalls

Pudding.....very small only


Drum Performance .They are from Tokyo.

Bon-Odori by PJA.MJS


Lim Guan Eng(Chief Minister of the State of Penang) also join the dance

1st dance is Rasa Sayang

look at his face...he is enjoying.....

Finish dancing Rasa Sayang.

There are 3 different is Rasa Sayang, a pokemon song(this is what I heard) then the other one cannot catch up what they said(in Japanese).
Beside that they is another song...dunno what the name....but I record it down

Another dance performance coming up.

If not mistaken they are the Tamagusukuryu Senjyukai (Oki-nawa dancers)

Far away from the stage
Saw this two little cute I quickly took a photo of them...
This is my dinner...RM8 . I dunno what to eat, so I ate this.
Tamagusukuryu Senjyukai (Oki-nawa dancers)

This is the closes I can get....

This are the Ryukyukokumatsuri Daiko (Okinawa drummers)

Another dance perfromance by Tamagusukuryu Senjyukai (Oki-nawa dancers)

Bow to the audience
For what I know this people in this group are non professional , but they like dancing.....

A drum performance by Penang Japanese School
Another performance also by them....

Another dance

This women here is tall.....taller then me

This guy is dancing by himself and enjoying himself.
For me I'm enjoying taking photos...muahahhahahahaha
This group are from Kedah and Perlis....and they are student.....they love Japanese Culture very much. They even have a club in their school.

Drum performance

Okinawa dances again

Okinawa drummers
This is one of the song

Oki-nawa dances performing another dance

Saying thank you to the audience

A building near Esplanade

They also sell beer....Photo taken at Bon Odori stopped here, coz my mom has arrive (at the time I told her to pick me up) . And I missed the firework......On my way back...There is one place I saw a lot of people set up their tripod and camera ready to take the firework.....I think that is the best time I will go there and see.

Fans are not free.....well it cost RM 5 coz is for charity......

This is Program for last night......and I don't think that night is according to this program.........

My shoe and the grass

The stage....

The VIPs......

Aren't they cute??


The back of Yukata


More food stalls

Pudding.....very small only



Drum Performance .They are from Tokyo.

Bon-Odori by PJA.MJS


Lim Guan Eng(Chief Minister of the State of Penang) also join the dance

1st dance is Rasa Sayang

look at his face...he is enjoying.....

Finish dancing Rasa Sayang.

There are 3 different is Rasa Sayang, a pokemon song(this is what I heard) then the other one cannot catch up what they said(in Japanese).
Beside that they is another song...dunno what the name....but I record it down

Another dance performance coming up.

If not mistaken they are the Tamagusukuryu Senjyukai (Oki-nawa dancers)

Far away from the stage

Saw this two little cute I quickly took a photo of them...

This is my dinner...RM8 . I dunno what to eat, so I ate this.

Tamagusukuryu Senjyukai (Oki-nawa dancers)

This is the closes I can get....

This are the Ryukyukokumatsuri Daiko (Okinawa drummers)

Another dance perfromance by Tamagusukuryu Senjyukai (Oki-nawa dancers)

Bow to the audience

For what I know this people in this group are non professional , but they like dancing.....

A drum performance by Penang Japanese School

Another performance also by them....

Another dance

This women here is tall.....taller then me

This guy is dancing by himself and enjoying himself.
For me I'm enjoying taking photos...muahahhahahahaha

This group are from Kedah and Perlis....and they are student.....they love Japanese Culture very much. They even have a club in their school.

Drum performance

Okinawa dances again

Okinawa drummers
This is one of the song

Oki-nawa dances performing another dance

Saying thank you to the audience

A building near Esplanade

They also sell beer....Photo taken at Bon Odori stopped here, coz my mom has arrive (at the time I told her to pick me up) . And I missed the firework......On my way back...There is one place I saw a lot of people set up their tripod and camera ready to take the firework.....I think that is the best time I will go there and see.

Fans are not free.....well it cost RM 5 coz is for charity......

This is Program for last night......and I don't think that night is according to this program.........
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