Friend's sunglass
After that we went Gurney Plaza

Rice with unagi sauce....yummmy
On that day at night go to PISA...to watch Phua Chu Kang and Jaclyn Victor

The ticket
When we went there...I saw a lot of people wearing very formal ...then we are wondering that should we wear formal.......???actually no.....they wear formal coz there are having dinner over there.... we don't know....

Click / Enlarge the photos...so u can see......
The stage
The opening......drum
Dance performance
The stage again.....
VIP has come....
Another dance performance
The host
Another speech
Dance again
And here comes Victor~~!!!!!!
She sang "Summer Time","Greatest love of all", "L.O.V.E", "Fly me to the moon", "Kala segalanya", "When I fall in love" lastly "Gemilang". I left out one song....forgot the name d..... so all together is 8 song she sang that night.
Group photo with the main sponsor.....
Birthday cake....that night there is two person birthday, both of them are VIP, I think
After that Phua Chu Kang came....... he saw a women and said that her hair like Rossie's.
Play with the audience

Walk like Phua Chu Kang....he is showing them how to walk like him.....
Below are some of the photos they walk and act like him....
In the end he give them prizes...for the winner
After that he start to sang....he sang "Mandy", "Father Figure", "When you say nothing at all" Phua Chu Kang teaches man that when ur wife or girlfriend non stop talking that time, sing this song to them...and they will be quite....ahhahahahaha..and the he sang "Better man" lastly "Stand by me". I was so surprise that he sang so good.....very very good....I love it~~!!!!! and he have a sexy voice....
Standing up on the chair singing.....
After sing finish.... he pick some audience....tell them how relax a bit when u are working....'stand straight ....raise you hand' after that he ask..."who volunteer to be my background dances ?", so the person who already raise they hand up are "forced" to be his dances....
He sang , dance and 'scolding' them that they have no dance properly.
It was funny...I keep on laughing.....

A food and water was given when we went in......
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