Yesterday after my Japanese class I straight away go to Taman Bahagian station meet Yuen Hwa....and we quickly take the train to Kl Sentral Station...after that we have to change to KTM.....while we are waiting for the train.... Yuen Hwa saw Natsumi(her friend...) so we join Natsumi and her friend.....together we go BON ODORI!!!!! It took about 1 hour to reach Shah Alam station....and stop by about 9 station ^^; after that we took the free shutle bus to Panasonic Sports Complex (Formaly known as Matsushita Sports Centre)...
17:00 Gates Open
19:00 Opening- Drum Performance
19:15 Enjoy the Cultural Dance Part1
19:40 Dance by Guest Performers
20:05 Enjoy the Cultural Dance Part2
20:35 Dance by Guest Performers
21:00 Enjoy the Cultural Dance Part3
21:30 Closing Address
Here are some photos ...
At the Stadium...
Food Stalls.....most of it are Japanese food....
Yuen Hwa's friend....
Bread papa
What they sell in Bread papa??? and look at the price...
Tako Yaki.....RM 6 for 6 .
Almost KL Sentral.....
We reach at Kl Sentral about 11 something....and reach back home at 12am.....ZZZZzzzz hold day walking and leg pain d.....
And there are still more photo and some video at Yuen Hwa's camera.... coz yesterday I forgot most important thing....that is I FORGOT to take a spare battery .....T.T...yesterday while I was taking some photos....suddenly my camera show a warning "Battery low"!!!OMG !!@#$%^&* ARRRR~~~~~ I was so angry and sad.... lucky Yuen Hwa bought her camera..... ^^
More photo coming up next.....^^ (can wait to see)
Ai ya...I forgot about the video d.....
everyone enjoy the Cultural Dance that day....
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