Weather was clear yesterday.

so Skye stood on the roof and look at the beautiful sky...

Actually we are having our break time , somewhere in the collage.....Thus there is still a lot of time...I asked Skye to stand on the roof , to take some photo of her standing on the roof....=_=''
After Drawing II , we have 3D class....and yesterday we are going to spray our vasessss
And this is Kang Yong's

In the classroom
Close up on Skye's vase...

And this is my vase..

close up~~~

after spraying it into Gold became a trophy

Class finish we went back home....
on my way back...Skye called me , asked me want to go Vista Toastmaster Club? coz they are having a Evaluation and Humorous Contest. Then I said:"want want!"
So went with Shih Jun(again)
Here are some photo taken during that night...

After that we went to OldTown to have dinner/supper.

Peanut butter and bread?

This would be OldTown Coffee Lava-2 Scoops
Btw that is ice-cream
And that night was clear.
The moon is shining brightly that night, and is like a 'sun' in the night
Finally I can take some photo of moon light ..muahahahha

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